August 29 - November 3, 2013
The title of APMAP’s first show, ‘REVERSCAPE’ is a portmanteau word coined by blending the words, ‘reverse’ and ‘-scape’. It entails manifold objectives to reverse the concept of architecture, space and memory and to allow the experiences of individuals and collectives to be reborn.

From Everyday Scenes to Artistic Spaces
The title of APMAP’s first show, ‘REVERSCAPE’ is a portmanteau word coined by blending the words, ‘reverse’ and ‘-scape’. It entails manifold objectives to reverse the concept of architecture, space and memory and to allow the experiences of individuals and collectives to be reborn.REVERSCAPE is held at the AMOREPACIFIC Beauty Campus in Osan, Amorepacific’s production and distribution complex for its cosmetic products. It is conceived in the way to reflect the particular conditions of the place where cosmetic products are manufactured and distributed.
Fourteen teams of artists and architects participate in this exhibition. They make visits to the complex and take on their own inquiries. The atmosphere of the place is the source of their inspirations. Then, they produce and install site-specific artworks. Eighteen works of art in various art forms including painting, sculpture, media installation and pavilion will map contemporary art through the reciprocal interaction among the place, the artist and the viewer.